Here's why:
1. The dress code is really lax.
2. Schedule flexibility.
If Jagger is screaming in the other room, I can stop work for a few minutes to help him without getting fired. Have a deadline I need to meet? Work until 3am!
3. Lunch break = recess.
The glorious lunch break gives me an hour or so to do whatever I want. Many days I often sprint to Panera or Target. Who needs a break room when you can go buy a tank top at Target instead?
4. The DJ is killer.
Not only does M.C. Spotify, have a great lineup, no one is there to complain about how I want to listen to the same screamo song on repeat.
5. My cat is a great secretary.
Do you work from home? If not, would you ever want to? Let me know in the comments down below!