3 Things Bloggers Can Learn From YouTube Celebrities

3 Things Bloggers Can Learn From YouTube Celebrities

YouTube stars are the biggest celebrities on the internet. Next to them, we have other internet stars, including Bloggers like you and me. So how can we get to their level of success and have our own "fandoms"?

I had the chance to talk to BryanStars, a rock band interviewer on YouTube with over 630,000 subscribers and a powerful fandom, about how he has gained success in his platform. Here are three tips I found transfer over nicely to the blogging world.

Here are 3 Things Bloggers Can Learn From YouTube Celebrities

1. Talk to your audience where ever they are

Some people love Facebook. Others love Snapchat. By now, we all understand the importance of connecting with your audience outside of just blog posts. It's time to step it up and reach your audience where ever they are. Explore different social media platforms that are up and coming.

On top of reaching more fans on a relationship level, it will also keep you relevant if your main platform becomes "un-cool". Remember those MySpace celebrities you used to follow? Probably not. But you would have if they were also on YouTube and then Facebook.

2. Titles are very important

Your title is the first thing looked at by your potential readers and search engines. Basically, everyone is judging a book by its cover, and your cover is your title.

Your title should do three things.

1. Explain what you are going to talk about
2. Hook your reader into reading it
3. Tell Google how to put it in search engines

3. Every reader matters

The number one way to get more engagement is let your readers know your will respond. When you take the time to comment on someone else's content, it is nice to know they read and appreciate you. If people get used to your interaction, they will want to interact. It's as simple as that! Even though it takes time, be sure to make every reader feel important. In return, you will get the interaction that turns into more readers and higher rankings.

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